Wizards of Waverly Place

Do you know the Disney Channel show called Wizards of Waverly Place? Well if you don't I'm gonna tell you about it. It's about 3 Wizards and there father is strict about unsupervised magic. And the middle child one named Alex who is 14 always does whatever she does even unsupervised magic but she gets in to trouble for that. She always tries to get whatever she wants and she does but then gets in trouble by there strict father. The oldest wizard is named Justin and he is 16 years old. He never does unsupervised magic  is he loves school and homework and he is a very modest student. Last but not least the youngest wizard is Max and he is 12 years old. He sometimes uses unsupervised magic but mostly he doesn't. He always like to joke around with Justin and he likes to play pranks with Alex on Justin. Hope you can watch it sometime.